OOOI PPL!!!!!! IM BACK!!! Hahahaha yes my blog is not dead. It has been revived!!! ok.
Tons of things happened. Lets dun go into little petty details and proceed to the major ones shall we?
First of all, i wont be coming to school in the morning. Havning err Secondary School principal retirement concert. Yes yes. So ya. There u go.
And secondly, regarding my hair. I dunnoe wat to say la. Some say nice, some laugh at first sight. So conclusion = sexy but weird. Enuf said. Pics will come when i get a new phone.
And here is a random thought. Ppl think crossdressing is gay. But come to think of it, girls crossdress EVERYDAY. U see ar, if a guy suddenly wear skirt come school. Ppl will go ' OMGWTFBBQ STAY AWAY FROM ME U GAY!!!!!'. BUT if it is a girl wearing pants and shirt, ppl go ' Aiya its normal la wats wrong wif it?'. Not tt i support crossdressing la, but just a tought. Some times i really envy women. All they have to do is just give birth, got good life alr.
BUT AT LEAST WE DUN HAVE TO SHED BLOOD EVERY MONTH!. Ooops sry girls. Oh yes another thing. We noe u girls got menstruation la, but PLEASE dun vent ur PMS on us guys can!!! U think we want u to bleed every month ar. SIAO! We didnt do anything to harm u, so wat for u scream at us? So in future, dun use PMS as an excuse to scream ur life out. Or i'll bitch-slap u.HAHA.