Apr 28, 2008
Update u wan is update u get.
Havent got much time seriously. Poly is teh shit. I mean literally shit. U smell sewage everywhere in the campus. Dun be deceived by the glorious exterior, where everyone hangs a plastic smile on their face. Its all but a facade. Nth IS HAPPY ABT TEH POLY!!! Night classes this year. Many many test. Heres hw i feel about going to poly. From the first day till nw.
Let me give u an analogy.
Going to poly is like having sex. The first time round, everything is new. U get to "explore" and get to know ur "surroundings" and start experimentring ur "charismatic Skills". BUT!!! After a while, it starts to get dull and boring and routine until u are so sick u want to just die.
(The above analogy is assuming tt i had sex b4. Rest assured i HAVE NOT! I just wanted to type something from an experienced person point of view. Kinda like a roleplay. TRUST ME!! I AM TEH VIRGIN!!!!!111!one!!!
I am as virgin as him.
Ok. Pushing the sex+poly talk aside. Did go out wif frens on weekends to shop for clothes. didnt get anything.Nth looks good. Waiting for next season.
Heres a pic of mine and frens psp.
Mine = Fat black PSP wif alice nine wallpaper.
Xin Yang = Slim Colourful Black PSP wif agnes V wallpaper.
NEO = Slim Silver PSP wif Shana(?) wallpaper. And a random usb charger.
At bowling alley one. Nvr play la. All wear slipper. No socks. All poor blokes. Except 1. U can roughly guess who is the rich guy here. Take a rough guess. No prizes won thou.
Thus here end my relentless rant.
Stay tuned for more crap in the future. Which should be the case becuz life is a bitch.
Got a problem?
Lol. Bye.
Apr 27, 2008
But THEN... Japanese ppl made my day. Wat the hell. They are just too creative. Is there anything they CANNOT do???? Creative sex positions, shittin on ppl, remixing songs, food. THEY CAN DO IT ALL!!!. WATS WRONG WIF THEM!! IM BRAINWASHED!!!!
Candy~Can Can Can Di~ CAn can candI~ can can cadidi can di~ can di di di can can dy
Apr 4, 2008
kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?kore ka?